
Friday, April 30, 2010

Thrifting Goodies

I got a lot of good stuff this week, but these two are my favorites.

This old adding machine, I got for $7 and this arithmetic rack I got for $10.

Also, a few weeks ago, when I was looking for a cheese dome, I found the bottom to one at Goodwill and I thought to myself, "Who in the world would just buy the bottom?".  Well this week, I was at another Goodwill and I found a top!  So, guess who buys just a bottom to a cheese dome?  Me!!!  I went back to the other Goodwill and scooped up that cheese dome bottom faster than you can drink a Coke!

Linking to:
Fab Friday Finds @ The Simpler Life

4 crafty peeps said:

  1. Love the abacus!! I think CB2 currently has one that's ALOT more than you paid. A good deal for sure - I would've totally bought that!
    Stop on by my blog to see what I uncovered last week. I only showed a portion - more next time!

  2. You know, I have seen separate tops and bottoms to cheese domes several times! In fact, I bought one that way and it cost less than the one I bought that was already together! Great finds and congrats on the cheese dome :)

  3. Great finds! That old adding machine is so cool!

  4. Thanks for posting my jewelry box! I love how you collected a bunch of things that caught your eye:)
