
Monday, June 16, 2014

New Year's Resolution Quilt Update

Back in January, I made a resolution that I would complete a paper-pieced Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt by Dec 31 of this year.  At the time, I figured I'd make a flower a week until Fall, and then I'd start on the outline pieces before putting everything together.  At that time, I'd just started my third flower, and I was on my way.  And then...  Yeah, I stopped working on it right after I published that post.  Jan, Feb and March were extremely busy months for my shop, and I didn't do much else than fill orders.  Once that was over, I didn't feel like working on much of anything!  In May, I attended a craft party hosted by Sarah from Sadie Seasongoods.  I needed some kind of portable craft, and figured my neglected quilt was perfect.  I'm happy to report that I've been working on it daily ever since.

I decided that I didn't like the larger flowers, and am now doing flowers with the center and two rings around it.  I'm planning to remove the third ring from the first two flowers I made, back in January, so that leaves me with these 11 flowers, plus the two from that I need to undo.  I should be at 24 by now so I'm still a little behind.  Although, I'm thinking now that I'll just stop at 24 because I really don't want a ginormous quilt.  Just something I can drape over the end of the of a bed or that will fit on a twin bed. So I guess now, I'm ahead of schedule.  YAY!  

I would have never imagined I would enjoy working on something so tedious, but I absolutely love every part of the process of making these flowers.  Even cutting the paper templates.  I've always loved having something else to do while I watch TV, and this is the perfect TV project.  It's even better than knitting because there are no stitches to count!  

Until next time...

3 crafty peeps said:

  1. That is so pretty! I wish I had such talent.

    I really love the intricacies of the flowers. Beautiful job.

  2. That's pretty! I wouldn't have the patience to do something like that.

  3. It's so cute. I love all the colors and patterns of the fabric.
