Thursday, September 23, 2010

Halloween Decor So Far

I've been trying to hold off until Oct 1st before decorating for Halloween.  Up until this week, I was doing pretty good.  There have only Fall decorations sitting around in my house.  Oct 1st is only a week away and I was this close to making it.  But then I went to the Dollar Tree AND Michaels the other day, and now I have Halloween stuff sitting out in my living room...  on Sept 23rd.  It's not much and really, I don't care that it's not Oct 1st.

Here is what I've been working on and what's displayed so far.

After seeing these Dollar Store bust makeovers by Tanya over at make the best at whats around, I wanted to make some too.
image from make the best at what's around

When it was obvious that mine weren't turning out like hers, I just started piling on the watered down paint, wiping it off and doing it again.  Here are mine, displayed with my Halloween Cloche and a Scrabble rack.
bowl full of letters so my peeps can change them out

Then I took these ($2 pumpkin from Michaels and $1 rocks from the Dollar Tree)

And made this

Here's my "fantle" being held hostage by a couple of Dollar Tree crows.

That's all I've got out for now, but I've been planning my Halloween table and may end up sneaking that out before Oct 1st.


  1. Great displays! I am having such a hard time not putting out my Halloween stuff! Now I REALLY want to get started!

  2. I can't wait any more! I'm going to go home and pull out all my skulls! I love your bike riding crow!

  3. Ooh so you can get the crows at the dollar tree! Sweet. I love yer stuff!

  4. Don't you just love Tanya's make over? I went right out and bought some of those ugly creatures when I first read her blog about it! I also bought some of the tombstones and will do the same! Have you seen all the cute pumpkins Dollar Tree has? I have been painting a way on those babies!

  5. great crafts and decorations- I love the black birds.

  6. oh my gosh, i just bought 2 of those birds today! i put one in my orange corn husk wreath on my door. it was rustic looking, and now it is a little creepy... ;)
    love your fantle. i don't have a mantle or even a fantle. what a sad day.

  7. the crow perched the bike is too cute. creative! ps: new follower (:

  8. Visiting from Remodelaholic ~ I trying to resist Halloween for a bit longer, though I've had a fall wreath on my door for a few weeks. Just love fall :) And love your decorations, especially the crow on the bike!

  9. I love those crows! I will have to see if ours have any left. I love your fantle. That cracked me up! I have a fantle in my kitchen. Your butterfuly display is very pretty too.

  10. Love what you have so far. I'm going to have to remember to come back and check it out! Thanks for the spooky inspiration!

  11. Very spectacular....I love the scrabble words, I have to borrow that idea....I have seen it before and always forget.

  12. Ah, the dollar tree crows. I saw them the other day, and nearly convinced myself into buying them. Now I see that I should have!! It came out great.

  13. Thank you so much for using my idea...I'm so flattered when fellow bloggers love my crafts. Gotta love any project from the dollar store. I'm now a follower of your blog. Thanks again :)
