Friday, January 10, 2014

Favorite Things Friday

A  series of weekly posts, sharing some of my favorite internet finds.

Boy, I sure have been pinning up a storm lately.  It's become almost a nightly ritual for me to snuggle down in bed with my phone, and spend the better part of an hour on Pinterest, daydreaming about my next home, planning my flower beds for Spring, deciding what quilt to start next, what to make for dinner next week, what awesome hairstyles and outfits I'll rock when my hair finally grows out and I lose that 20 pounds. Sounds familiar, right?  

Here are some of my favorites from this week.

A gorgeous perennial garden path.

A sweet cottage room.  I'm especially loving that quilt!

This chippy hutch from Miss Mustard Seed

This do

This outfit (isn't that sweater gorgeous???)

DIY foot soak recipe

Key Lime Cheesecake Bars

1 comment:

  1. I have the hardest time staying off of PINTEREST and pinning things with thoughts of one day getting around to doing them! The first pic had me dreaming of spring already.
