Monday, October 18, 2010

Decorating With Old Books

I looooove old books.  I love the way they look in a room. 

image courtesy of Flax & Spindle @ Etsy

image courtesy of Flax & Spindle @ Etsy

image courtesy of a beach cottage

 image courtesy of BHG

 image courtesy of Pottery Barn - I want this living room!

I love they way the smell.  I love thinking about where they've been.  I especially love when I find someone's name written inside.  I think it's funny how in this dictionary from 1925, the student who had it in 1937 did the math to figure out how many years were between the two (see over on the right page).

A few years ago, while on vacation in Brevard, NC, I visited the Humane Society thrift store and found these books for just a few bucks (minus the poem book; that one came from Good Will a few months ago).  These books have lived in several rooms the past few years.  One has been in a school play with Han who was in character as Abigail Adams.

I mentioned in an earlier post that we have a Good Will Clearance center nearby.  At this GW, all books are 25 cents a pound.  In addition to these two books, I found these.

Two of them are dictionaries.
from 1925

from 1938

How cool is that???  Anybody else using old books or just books in general for decoration?

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  1. Oh I love old books, too. You can find really great ones to read or to display at library book sales. I have an old copy of Little Women and the cover is like a flowery fabric - it's not in the best shape, but I think it's beautiful. :)

  2. My friends always laugh at me because I looooove the smell of old books. I'm glad to have found a partner in crime!!

  3. Me, too! I love them, their look, their smell! I love decorating with them as well! And I also always try imagining where they've been and how long they've been around and went through different hands on their way to our home!

  4. I LOVE old books. I love the smell, the color of the aged pages and just the over-all look! I use them for decorating too! This post really spoke to my heart- someone out there knows what a great joy it is to own these precious little books!
