Monday, September 13, 2010

Wee, Wee, Wee, All the Way Home!

Man, I had a great day thrifting today!

We went to GW today to get some goodies for Thrifty Threads and ya know I just HAD to go check housewares.  The toy shelf shares an isle with the last housewares shelf, but I hardly ever look at it.  It's usually just filled with junk toys, like the Scrabble game that I picked up today, which only had the board and one rack.  But  today, I DID take a quick glance and I found these!!

I spotted Annie first and then Holly Hobbie & her pal, Amy.  I freakin' love Holly Hobbie!  I couldn't believe what great condition they were in either.  Holly Hobbie is from 1974 and Annie is from 1977.  I haven't checked the Amy doll yet, but I imagine she's from around the same time. There was no price tag to be found on any of them so I walked up front to see how much they were.  Are you ready for this?  $1 each!!  Can you believe that???

I've been doing a little digging online to see how much these are worth and if I can sell them, I'll be making a pretty good profit.  Not like $100 bucks or anything, but well over the $3 that I paid for them.

In housewares, I found this serving thingy for $1.  I'll most likely start to try enter some craft fairs next year and I should be able to use this to display some of my wares.  Until then, I can use it when we have parties.

This gorgeous thing almost took my breath away.  I paid $2 for it.  I'm leaving this one as is. Check out that natural patina!

We did find some great clothes too, but I'll be showing those off on Thrifty Threads at some point.

Linking to:
Nifty Thrifty Tues @ Coastal Charm


  1. ok, just wrote long comment and it was lost, so here goes.

    1. i loved holly hobbie and had that same doll as a child

    2. do you remember those dolls that were little red riding hood, grandma and the big bad wolf all in one depending on if it was upside down or turned to one side or not??? LOVED that doll as a kid!

  2. Awwww...I had that Holly Hobbie doll too when I was little! I had completely forgotten about it. Memories!

  3. Great finds! I love thrift shops! Thanks for sharing your treasures. I often leave my finds as is too as I have a thing for old vintage items. Awesome design on that candle stick/abra! You could make one cool Halloween decor with that baby!

  4. Congrats on your shout out on Be Different Act Normal, by the way!

    I love that Annie doll-- actually, I'm in the process of hunting down an Annie dress for the babe for Halloween with all her perfect-length red hair. I'm coming up empty.

  5. The dolls take me back. I had a very similar Holly Hobbie doll, and my best friend growing up had the Annie doll. I wouldn't have been able to pass them up!

  6. Love all of the dolls you found and your other thrifty finds.

  7. OKAY!!
    I CANNOT believe you found Holly and AMY!!
    Simpsonville GW?
    You and I gotta go out thrifting together!
    I would have let you have the Hobbies, but might have fought you for the candleabra.
    I've been working out.
