Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Should I Read Next?

I recently started using stumbleupon.  Earlier tonight, I stumbled upon a site that recommends books based off of a book that you've read.  It's called What Should I Read Next.  Pretty cool stuff.


  1. i have been a reading FIEND lately! i would highly recommend "lopsided: how having breast cancer can be really distracting" by meredith norton. yes, it's a serious subject (breast cancer) but it is honestly one of the funniest books i've ever read.

    would also recommend "swallow the ocean" by laura flynn, or "the glass castle" by jeannette walls.

  2. I am sooooo trying this!

    p.s. loving your new header!

  3. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. It's my favorite book ever and anyone I've ever recommended it too has said it is now their fave book as well! :)
