This past week, Han went on a beach trip with a friend. While she was gone, Charles and I decided to surprise her by re-vamping her room while she was gone. She's 11 and so she's at an age that many of us remember. She's discovered boys. Not just any boys... famous boys. Mainly the Twilight saga boys (she's team Jacob). She'd practically wallpapered her room with posters and pictures from mags like Tiger Beat and Bop. Because I remember doing much of the same with the Corey's (Haim & Feldman) and the New Kids, I really tried to leave her alone about how tacky it looked, but I just couldn't take it anymore. Some other complaints about the room, it smelled like cat pee because one of our cats once used the floor as a litter box, Han hated the green (the room used to be my studio so I'd chosen the color) and Han thought it was too bright (it really is the brightest room in the house). Oh, and her mattress and box springs had been on the floor for almost 2 years.
I pulled my ideas from images found online and from the PB Teen catalog. Here are some of them:
source: Just for Rachel
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