Friday, June 11, 2010

One of the Littles

I call these kind of projects The Littles because they take very little $$ and effort, but are still a good end result.  They also result in a teeny tiny post.  :-)

I got the vintage light cover at GW a couple of months ago for half a buck.  I remember my grandparents having these in their house and I thought this would be awesome in my laundry room.  I've got some vintage-looking laundry signs up in there and this cover would be perfect.  Except... it didn't fit.  Sad, sad, sad. 

I was not to be deterred from having this piece of awesome taking up space somewhere in my house.  I went digging and came up with this rusty looking candle holder that it fit on top of perfectly.  I just added one of those fake candles and voila!  Happy!!!

Linking to:
Frugalicious Friday @ Finding Fabulous
Show & Tell @ Blue Cricket Designs
Creative Therapy @ Life in the Pitts 


  1. Super cute idea!!! I really like it!!!:)

  2. Just so you know...I'm in utter awe of your home make over/decorating abilities....saw the pics of your new breakfast bar and LOVE that too....wanna come redo my house?

  3. Beautiful little littles! I love reading through your blog. You have so much fun.

  4. Ooh, I didn't even realize it was a fake candle. That is so cute, and "little" projects are my favorite.
